Facility Assessment

Facility Assessment is a service offered by SimsTech to help our clients review their current video and audio conferencing facility. The facility assessment allows our customers to obtain an independent review of their existing conferencing facilities, this service works out to be far less expensive than employing a consultant to undertake a detailed review.

The assessment will review the following aspects of your video and audio conferencing facility.

  1. Lighting - Can this be improved and how.
  2. Acoustics- Room acoustics how are these affecting your video and audio conferencing experience, what improvement could be made.
  3. Colour Schemes - Are you using the most appropriate colour schemes to maximize the quality of your video images
  4. Microphones- Are you using the most appropriate microphones and are the microphones in the correct positions for maximum clarity of speech
  5. Camera- Is your camera in the optimal position to provide clear video images.
  6. Network- If you are utilizing your IP network to transport video and audio conferencing what SLA and QoS are in place to ensure adequate network performance.

Upon completion of the assessment a three page report will be provided to you which will cover all of the items detailed above. In addition a recommendation will be made, this can be used as a roadmap to assist in defining future projects

Call SimsTech on 0800 093 2556 to arrange an informal discussion to determine if our services are suitable for your project.

Email: info@simstech.co.uk